Impression Making Pictures
These four pictures below should help you visualize the steps in making your impression.

The first picture shows the approximate shape and size of the "baby carrot" shape to begin the impression making process.

The second picture shows what the material should look like after pointing the "baby carrot" shaped cone into the ear canal and gently pressing it into all the grooves and folds of the ear until the ear is completely filled and the material is gently flattened out like a big pancake over the ear.

The third picture shows what the inner facing side of the impression should look like when complete. Do not worry about small gaps or cracks in the impression. These can easily be filled in before making the completed earpiece. We just need the general shape and definition of the inner portions of your ear.

The final picture shows what the outer facing side of the impression should look like when complete. It will be a flat surface after your partner filled your ear and gently flattened the surface to cover your whole ear.